Phenomenal Funk

Finding Positivity and Purpose in a Funk

I was inside the Cup of Joy Clubhouse room recently and someone referred to her funk as phenomenal. I am not sure what her intention was in selecting the word phenomenal which means, “very remarkable; extraordinary; perceptible by the senses or through immediate experience.” But it got me thinking…(and writing)

Could I consider a funk to be phenomenal? What would be the characteristics of a funk to think of it in that way?

Well, I didn’t have to go back that far to recall a time I was in a funk. I was in one that very morning, crying with my cup of tea.

Indeed, my experience that morning had been very perceptible through the senses. My body ached; my mind was clouded in a fog. My eyesight was compromised in a way that cut short the vision of the day. I couldn’t see beyond the couch.

Was it extraordinary? Extraordinary is a word reserved to describe something “very unusual.” In the pure definition of that word, yes, it was unusual for me personally. I am typically an upbeat, optimistic, and positive person.

Surely, my funk qualified as phenomenal by definition. But I am also classifying it as phenomenal because it caused me to act. My funk brought me into the present moment, made me grossly aware of my feelings and created more self-awareness.

Its presence made me acknowledge the feelings – both physical and emotional – that were brought on by the funk. I didn’t shy away from the tears but simply let them fall. The awareness it created gave me the consciousness to act and surprisingly, propelled me to do something positive to counteract the negative emotions.

I had been inside that Clubhouse room just a week prior and it had been very positive, so I decided to join the “Cup of Joy family” once again. In those brief 40 minutes we shared together, my funk was lifted with others. One sip at a time from the Cup of Joy, my cup was filling up again.

Was it a spilling-over-the-top type of joy? No, …not yet… but joy was present. It had come into the space to help evict the funk and its weight on my soul that morning.

It was enough of a firm foundation to get up and ride a little wave of positivity to attract more into my day.

It was enough to capture it on this page and share its wisdom with you.

Yes, indeed, my funk had been phenomenal… and might I add, it was purposeful, too.

The next time you find yourself in a funk, I invite you to feel its remarkable, palpable existence and take up the call to be phenomenal with it!


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