8 Tips for Creating the Life or Business you Want in 2023

Clean Slate

As we find ourselves at the beginning of a new year, we all are given the opportunity to step into the future and leave the past behind. Many are looking to shed pounds they acquired in the past, others want to shed the clutter that has them anchored to the past. Others want to add to their present lives with a loving relationship or a fulfilling career.

But whether you just turned the calendar page to a new year or want to turn over a new leaf for your life or business, don’t overlook the opportunity the present gives us. This is a gift we can open each day regardless of what the calendar says.

Each present moment provides us a blank canvas or a clean slate to write on. Our series of moments collectively become the story we write for ourselves.

What will you put on your pages?

What will be the narrative you tell yourself?

How do you want others to tell your story?

My intent is not to overwhelm you with the thought that you need to know all the plot points to your life story at this very moment. So, let’s bring ourselves back to the present in this very moment.

At this moment of your life, what is it that brings you the most joy? In contrast, when you briefly consider the snapshot of your life or business at this moment, what isn’t working? Don’t skip over this.

Pause here.

Write down what immediately percolates up or was already there on the surface staring back at you.

Whether you are building a life or building a business, you must begin at a starting point which is the present. Knowing where you are starting from, will give you the coordinates for your journey into the future life that you want to create.

We can’t chart life’s course or set out to fill in our blank slate without knowing where it is that we want to get to. Where are you going? Beyond identifying a destination or milestone for your business or life, write down how you’d feel when you arrive there. What does that purposeful, intentional life feel like?

Pause here.

Self-awareness arises out of short moments like this when you stop to reflect and consider in a brief pause of quiet being. Being self-aware is like taking inventory of what is there and what is missing from your life’s work. Take a moment and account for how you are showing up in life and work.

Pause here.

Life can only be lived fully in the present. Self-awareness keeps us there. With this information, you can make the most of every minute moving forward. Vividly visualizing the future design for our lives in the present moment, equips us to reach decisions more quickly and with more confidence in real time.

 8 Steps for Creating the Life or Business You Want in 2023

1 –Take stock of where you are at.

2 - Have a vision of the future you want to create.

3 - Determine the important elements that must be added to your life or business to make it a reality.

4 - By adding these elements, what must I take away or drop from my life’s work to make room for what is to be fully realized?

5 - Who am I with when I am creating this new vision of a life or business?

6 - Who will likely not breathe life into this reality in a supportive way and therefore I must distance myself from?

7 – Pause, reflect and write.

8 - Rinse and repeat daily.


The Retention Formula
